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Build A Bug-Out Bag


Listen, sh*t is about to hit the fan. So kill two birds with one stone and get prepared and show your date how proactive you are by building a Bug-Out-Bag together. You'll get to see the ingenuity level of your date as well as if they're practical, impulsive, methodical, etc. by the choices they make.

The Overview

WHAT You Need

Building A Bug-Out Bag

You can either grab things from around your house, walk around a store and drop items in a cart, or create an Amazon WishList with all the necessary items.

WHEN to do it

You Should Have Done This A Long Time Ago, bro..

Depending how you want to go about this (virtually, remotely, or physically), the timing can range. If you need to browse a brick and mortar business for your items, then your time is obviously limited to their hours. If you want to rummage around your house or search online for your stuff, then you can be a little more flexible with your when.

WHERE to go

Home, Internet, or a Store

Variety is the spice of life. I love being able to modify a date on the fly, and the location (indoor/outdoor) can sometimes be tricky with weather, traffic patterns, or lack of sunlight. So, to be able to do this date remotely, virutally, or physically, it makes being flexible or adaptable lots easier.